Wednesday, 7 April 2010

endeca enterprise search engine

Endeca is a enterprise wide search engine that supports navigational search and make search faster, Quicker and efficient manner. The Endeca operate like all our relevant data with different tables are mapped together and cooked up by endeca in a single flat file.

Endeca has three major components. They are like,
1. Endeca Information Transformation Layer (ITL)
2. Endeca MDEX Engine
3. Endeca presentation API.

The diagram below explains how different components interact together.

The ITL has an Content Acquisition System (CAS) which is responsible for reads your raw source data and manipulates it into a set of Endeca MDEX Engine indices.

The MDEX Engine loads the indices generated by the indexing
component of the Endeca Information Transformation Layer. After the
indices are loaded, the MDEX Engine receives queries from the Endeca
Presentation API, executes them against the loaded indices, and returns
the results to the client Web browser.

The Endeca Presentation API provides the interface to the MDEX Engine.
The API is responsible for querying the MDEX Engine and manipulating the
results. Endeca Presentation API has their own .NET and JAVA client libraries and it all so have supports web services based queries so that it can be implemented in anu languages.

Friday, 2 April 2010

java object creation static factory method

Many of you aware of static factory method which is a simple static method returns an instance of the class. An example like public static Boolean valueOf(boolean yourVal). No let me explain some of the advantages of using static factory method.

Some of the advantages:

1. When ever we invoke a constructor like Emp emp = new Emp() it creates an object. But using static factory method like Emp emp = Emp.getInstance() (Consider getInstance() is a static method which return type is EMP object) will always returns single Emp object no matter how many times we called them.

2. We could create any number of static methods with different names like getCar() return car object, getBreak() returns break object, But constructors have the constraints like should have the class name as their name. So we might need to differentiate using the parameter (using method overloading) which is good but on the readability point of view it will confuse.

So all good what about disadvantages. yah it has a main disadvantages,

Since we have all static methods naturally the constructor will be private. So we can't really extends the class. Some of the object orientations might me lost.

Thursday, 25 September 2008

Dowery - corupting the society

Well, Many of great idols spoke against dowery in the past. I heard many of speeches in competions in my school days. I never felt for it. My heart never think about it.

Things do change over time and i too changed by instance. Yes, i felt the heat in my own life while we looking alliance for my sister. One guy told, i give my sister 1Kg of gold and i too want the same for me!!! even more drastic one stupid father told i used to sit in the petty shop, and i want to speak very proudly that i brought 1KG of gold to my son. How stupid these guys speaking.

I read and heard from my infant time that marriages are made in heaven, but people hear never see the hearts but the gold she bring. When different of opinion arise it leads to divorce and it lead to corrupt the society and the culture we build all these years.

"Love the heart and not the gold. It is better to be alone then having a unloving partner"

Wednesday, 27 August 2008

My first day in Gym.

"If you want to grow long hair, you also need to maintain good physics" this is what stimulating me to go to gym though i am not as fit as one would like(around 62 kg, which is 2 kg under weight when comparing with my height).

Another incident which stimulate me is when my sister's friend comments me, " you just become a old man anna", though i laugh at that time i realise the importance of being to be fit.

That's all stimulated guy, more stimulated when my colleague said me we are going to gym daily, if you wish join with us sounds like a good old song to me. i promptly said 'yes i do'.

In the evening all set for my first day to gym. i said 'guys i didn't got any track suit'. my colleague said we will pick one in naidu hall by the way and i am happy with it. we park our bike near naidu hall and went inside. when we came back we got shocked as our bike seized by police van for parking in 'no park' area. we had no other options other than go and pay fine in pondy bazzer police station. just i said myself well, first day with gym starts with pondy bazzar police station. what a start isn't it.. :)

education innovations

Education is an untapped industry. Modern education in need of advance technologies chating, video streaming to enable cross border education system.

When i think all this, I just imagine how it will do good if we have a video streaming and podcasting web application which includes chating, dedicated forums where students can share or clarify their doubts.

This will enable institutions across the world to share their best lectures so that the students irrespective of location can attain same oppertunity to learn things.

It will also open a new business model where say for example some 'XXX company' hire an industry professionals like Bill gates and he explain his success secret and management tactics, just imagine how much it will help for a management student. if we have a video podcasting of Einstein explain all his theory, won't it teach you for generations even he died.

Institutions can post all there video lectures and share it to the selected students or group of people based on subscription model (or can be open to all access). For instance Anna university or IITs having a very good lecture video serious on Probability theory, They can sell those videos to other small colleges and universities. There by all the students can get benefit and the universities too. Some of the top notch university professors can them self create video streams and sell to students and universities just like they wrote books and research papers. :)